Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dear Baby No-Name,

As of right now, you don't have a name.  Oh, we've got lots of ideas, but no one can agree.  Your sister....well her names for you are very interesting: Sunshine Rose, Delancy Devon (a character in a Barbie movie I think??), and whatever crazy string of letters she thinks of on a daily basis.  Your dad's picks: very, very normal, common, popular picks.  Not that I don't like them, but I don't think we can have an "Annessa" and a "Jane" for instance (don't worry, Jane wasn't one of his picks, I'm just sayin'...)

And mine?  Well Dad hasn't like any of them.  And I haven't been thrilled about any of my picks either.  The problem is that I want your name to be meaningful because you are so meaningful to us.  I am just hoping a name will drop from the sky or we might just have to call you Sunshine after all.

Right now we are toying around with a name from a character on the "Vampire Diaries" that Dad has been watching.  It's not a bad name, and it means light - so that fits since you are a light in a time of darkness for us, but I am still unsure....I mean, I never thought I would name my daughter after a Vampire lover...

Good news is you have a middle and an last name!  No worries though we'll figure something out sooner or later - hopefully by the time we take you home. 

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