Friday, January 8, 2010

The Naked Truth

Annessa has a bad, bad, habit of taking off her clothes when she's in bed (she's 2 people - get your mind out of the gutter!). Last night I came upstairs from doing the laundry and I hear her tiny voice coming from her room. I looked at the clock. 9:30. Not Good. I saw a sliver of light sneaking out from underneath the door. Really Not Good.

"Annessa - what are you doing?" I said to my child who, did I mention is completely naked (including her diaper, which, of course, sent me into a panic attack).

"Mama," she said with a scowl on her face, acting like this whole situation was completely normal, "Elmo's SLEEPING. SHHHH."

Sure enough - there was Elmo tucked into her bed. His head on the pillow and his red fur peaking out from under the covers.

"A - Where are your jammas? and B - YOU are the one that is supposed to be sleeping."

"But mama - I not tired. Elmo is tired."

This IS a phase, right??


  1. Annessa cracks me up!!! I love that girl!!

  2. Phase??? If it's a phase, I can't tell you when it ends. The next phase is changing clothes ALL the time. A different dress every hour! Too funny!
