Friday, March 26, 2010

Simple Things

Because this is a sappy post that I cried my way through, I am including a happy, silly, lovely picture of Ness and our godson Cooper.

Our life is changing. Tuesday night we got a call from the realtor - "There's an offer on your house!" Rich grabbed me immediately and spun me around. We went through the motions (and I have to say, growing up with a realtor sure makes this a whole lot more understandable).

As Rich and I were getting ready for bed, his eyes met mine in the bathroom mirror. "You don't seem very excited," he commented. I tried to explain to him that I AM excited. I can't wait to for Annessa to be able to step out of our back door and into the woods. I can't wait to sit by the creek and teach her how to skip stones (well, technically Rich would have to teach ME first, but that's besides the point).

But there is a part of me that is really, really sad. This is our first home. This is were I made my first batch of banana bread, this is where we brought Annessa home, and now the next baby (if there ever is one, and God please let there be one) will come home to a different house. This is where Rich and Craig built Annessa's tree house. Where Rich first learned how to shoot a bow in our basement, Where I first learned how NOT to make meatloaf. Where we had our first Steif family dance party. Where we took Annessa trick-or-treating for the first time, where we had her "Welcome to the World Party."
Where I learned how to be a wife. Where I learned how to be a mom. Where I learned how to be myself. This is the place where I fell in love with my life.

It's bittersweet - the turning of a page, the start of a new chapter. However you want to phrase it, it comes down to this: change is bittersweet.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Autumn,
    Your thoughts brought tears to my eyes. You seem to know just how I feel. I know new beginnings are ahead, but it's hard to let memories be just memories...
