Sunday, April 11, 2010


Last week I received some bad news - My lining is still too thin (thanks to prescription errors that my old doctor made) and Rich and I were not able to have the IUI procedure done. Our options are to wait 6 months to a year so that my lining can regenerate, or to take some really fancy, expensive fertility drugs (did I mention that there is a 30% chance of multiples?) (Oh, and that the drugs are shots I would have to give myself in the stomach??). I completely fell apart in the parking lot.

On the way home, Rich and I saw some people doing a controlled burn in the field near our house. I asked Rich why they did that - "to get rid of the weeds?"

"No, they set fire to the field so the wildflowers keep coming back."

Hmmm - Now there's a metaphor for life that hit me smack dab in the face.... It got me thinking. God allows the fires in our lives in order to make the flowers bloom. He wants me to walk through the flames in order to grow stronger, more heat resistant. Walking through the heat will test my maturity, my patience, my faith. And in the end, I know His plan will be fulfilled.

It reminds me of the lyrics in one of my favorite songs, "If all of these trails bring me closer to you, I will walk through the fire if you want me to." And I will - I will keep walking. Keep looking ahead. Because I know that my Father has planted the most gorgeous field of wildflowers just for me.

1 comment:

  1. Your miracle will come. I will be sure to keep you guys in my prayers. Keep your heads up!
