Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Odds 'n Ends

1. Potty Training Update: didn't work. Suggestions welcome.

2. If anyone is out there reading this, please, please, please leave a comment. Just click on the red link on the bottom of every post- the one that says 0 Comments. I am trying to prove Rich wrong (he thinks no one reads this) (and it's okay if no one does, I'm not hurt...much...after all, this is a self-indulgent journal all about my family - I know you have busy lives.)

3. I miss Rich.

4. That is why I am officially addicted to Face book this week.


  1. Hey Autumn! I love reading your blog. I am a blog addict, and I am so happy that I can add yours to my favorite list! Have fun with it. Your family is beautiful. norapora

  2. I like your blog too. I'm only posting a comment to help you prove Rich wrong!

  3. Thanks Megan! You always come through!

  4. Autumn, you crack me up! Your daughter is absolutely beautiful! I have a blog on blogspot for our family too, but am not very good at keeping it up to date! It looks like you are doing much better than me!
